Tuesday 16 April 2013

One year down...

So last month was our first year end, and all I have to say so far is that we are still here, and that can only be good. With the way we are running the business, if there is money in the bank and stock in the shop, then we must have made some sort of profit! How much I don't know yet, and it certainly won't be an amount put us on par with Sir Richard Branson or Lord Sugar! But my theory is if we can get through a bad year (as last year was as far as our industry is concerned) then we can make it through a good year (which I am hoping this will be!).

The weather certainly seems promising, as the holidays were quite dry compared to the last couple of months, if not as warm as 2012. If the weather can hold up a favourable dry to wet ratio, then all should be well! People in shop seem quite positive, though some are quite unnerved by the strong winds we are getting, I have heard of someone on the coast actually strapping the motor home to the ground this weekend! We have sold a number of storm straps and repair kits...

It was great to get a week away last week with a wedding in Aberystwyth followed by a cracking few days at New Word Alive at Prestatyn. A lot of people may say I'm mad for leaving the shop for a week in holiday season, and I had my reservations, but with willing friends to volunteer I was able to have a worry free week away! This is vitally important for any business owner who want's to make sure that the business does not become their life, you may end up with a great business and a great bank account, but you need to decide on what you are willing to sacrifice. Don't get me wrong, it is a commitment, and you will work more than a normal job, at least in the early stages, and no one has ever made a business work without a bit of graft!

My hope for this year is that people will support local businesses even more! I am very grateful to my regular customers, and I am well aware that some items are cheaper on line (not always though), but they still come here to show support. So I encourage anyone to try to find a local supplier of goods you may other wise get on line, it may cost you a couple of quid more, but you will generally get a better service, and help the economy! If we all shopped on line with big multi nationals, the shops will keep closing, jobs will be lost and our towns will be full of hair dressers and charity shops. Obviously there will always be things that we have to buy on line, and sometimes we can't resist a good bargain! But give your local shop a bell and see what they offer, you may be surprised at how cheap we can offer particular items!

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