Saturday 30 March 2013

Good Saturday

This entry comes at the end of what has been the busiest day so far, which blows all the negativity from the last post! It seems a lot of people have decided just to get on with it and head out, the weather is beautiful, if a little on the chilly side, and with a fair few sales of warm sleeping bags to go along with it! I myself managed to get out for an afternoon drive and wander yesterday in the sun, heading out towards Elterwater, over to Grassmere and walking up to a cracking (relatively unknown) viewpoint giving views of the Langdales, Grassmere, Rydal and Loughrigg, amazing views with the snow still quite heavy higher up.

A good start to the season is always a good thing, and it also coincides with Easter, which happened to give us a good start to a new life!

Easter is good for my business, the two weeks or so for schools, and the 4 day weekend most people will get is a good opportunity to get the first trip of the year in. But I love Easter more for the fact that it reminds me of the amazing sacrifice that happened to save my life. That God came as a man, Jesus, to die in my place, for all the wrong I have ever done, and will do, not least ignoring Him and living like He doesn't exist. I deserve to die and go to hell, but Jesus took my punishment so I could have eternal life with Him when I die. To prove He did this, Jesus rose from the dead three days later to show He was more powerful than death. I have nothing to fear if I don't need to fear death, and I have something that will always satisfy, and never waste away like everything else in this world. I won't do this too often, but Easter is the most important time of the year for me, so wanted to take the opportunity to tell you why!

If you have a spare few minutes, check out this video .

Not sure when the next post will be, as I have a busy week ahead with my end of year, stock taking and a few deliveries due too! As I'm on my own it may take a while!

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