Saturday 23 March 2013

Snow Business

Snow! That word can bring (generally) one of two reactions, excitement or disgust. Personally I get overly excited, probably too excited for a 25 year old, but I love the stuff! Firstly it makes everywhere look amazing, even the roughest estate, or most run down industrial area once covered in the white stuff instantly looks a bit friendlier. Coming from the Lake District,  the snow here looks fantastic, and to be honest it's the winter months when I prefer to be out walking too. You get the hills to yourself, nearly, and the views are incredible. It does annoy me when the are those who get very upset with the snow, though recently I have seen their side of the story! It slows business down some what, be it that people just won't go camping or caravanning in the snow, or that the roads are so bad that they can't even get to the shop! So yes, it's not all fine and dandy, but I still think we need to make the most if it.

What I noticed a couple of years ago was how snow can suddenly bring us 21st century, techno mad, people to engage in what seems to be a very simple pleasure...sliding down a hill on a tray. Sledging is essentially this, you trudge up a hill, to spend a fraction of the time it took to get up sliding back down on a tray of some sorts. It's brilliant, and it seems that most recognise that it's much more fun than playing on the wiistation 360. People have spent hundreds, if not thousands on entertainment, on games, home movies etc, but get them on a piece of plastic costing under a tenner and they are loving it. So even if you don't really like the snow, and it's an inconvenience, at least it gets you out the house and back to having real fun for a couple of days.

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