Tuesday 28 May 2013


Nearly a month since my last post here, must have been busy! May seems to have been a good month for us, even with slightly questionable weather...like snow. But, it seems people have decided to risk it and get out the house to embrace what the Lake District has to throw at them, which, at the time of writing, is a lot of water. The bank holiday weekend was a good one, good for me because I took lots of money, but good for you guys due to the cloudless sky's and (relatively) high temperatures.

Now the rain is back, though I think only for a couple of days, but we still seem to have a steady stream of customers. Could be tricky when a nice big pallet arrives this week that I have to unload, sort and price, all the time making sure the customers get top service! With more deliveries due, I am hoping that this isn't all the summer we are getting, because if it is, then we will have a some what large end of season sale. Another reason I am hoping the sun will make another prolonged appearance, aside from the obvious joy it brings, is that we have finally got someone to take on the job of camper van welding and painting. Something which has been in the pipeline for nearly two years! And with a baby on the way, it will be handy income! Keep watching for the updates of this progress here.

One of my favourite new products, though not as exciting as the sit mat, is the 12 volt coffee maker, ideal for getting a fresh brew on move! Though I wouldn't want to attempt it on the M6 with out some assistance. Everyone likes a nice brew, so this machine (only £24.99) means that where ever you are, you can have a taste of the good stuff and get perked up for your day ahead. Smashing.

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