Friday 12 July 2013

Fire balls

Summer seems to have arrived in the Lake District, this is obvious from the slower pace on our roads due to the scenic nature of our A and B roads that tourists want to take in (though I am grateful for these tourists too, as a lot will hopefully spend money), and the appearance of the glorious sun! The sun, the thing that we all want to arrive, but then immediately complain about when it does. I think we forget what the sun actually is, because if we knew that it was a big, 27 million degrees, fiery ball of madness, then we wouldn't complain that it's 25 degrees out and would love a bit of rest bite. But on the brighter side, people do like going camping, caravanning and motor homing a bit more than if it was tipping down, all good news for me! The problem is, I have a shop full of top notch equipment, and no time to use it my self! Or very little time...
I am planning on using the nice new smart tent   some time this summer, and when I do I will let you know how I get on! Along with trying to camp some where, this summer is action packed with house moving, baby having, van restoring, holiday going and shop running. Fun for the whole family.

This summer really should be better than last, and weather wise it is already, and that should develop in to more sales and less time for me to write this sort of thing! So what ever you are doing this summer, get out side, don't complain about it being too hot and make sure you keep buying local! An advantage to buying local in summer is that you are outside more, so will get more vitamin D from the sun, so will therefore get stronger bones and other good body stuff. So there we have it, buying local leads to a healthy body AND economy. Cracking.

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