Tuesday 13 August 2013

Repel the mozzies not the ladies

Just a short post about a little impromptu experiment I conducted a little while ago in the depths of the Honduras rainforests. A few years ago I found my self in the jungle, it was a planned trip rather than a predator style situation, and I was prepared with my mozzy repellent and Avon skin so soft. I wasn't too keen on using a product with 'soft' and 'skin' on the bottle but this would be a one off use so I bit the bullet. It seemed to work for a couple of days, but then me being daft I forgot to put any on, both the proper repellent and the questionable cream that is. However what I didn't forget was the Lynx Africa roll on, we need to smell fresh in the jungle. Not a single bite at the end of the day, so I decided to give it ago the next day on purpose, same again. With the other stuff applied I got a couple of bites, but the Lynx not only made me irresistible to ladies, but kept me bite, and therefore itch, free! I repeated this test for nearly two weeks with what can only be described as positive results. So a top tip there, can't find your midgey stuff or soft stuff, pop and grab some lynx.

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